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 In Islanda

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2 posters
Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 8:30 pm

Ma aflam in Islanda. Eram la dimensiune normala si stateam la o terasa in centrul Reikjavik-ului. Cel putin aici nu aveam de ce sa imi fac griji, putand sa imi arat aripile. Unii oameni credeau ca ar fi doar un costum de zana altii care chiar isi dadeau seama ca sunt o zana obisnuita erau destul de obisnuiti sa vada zane.
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Olga von Veicht
Olga von Veicht

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 123
Puncte : 138
Reputatie : 1
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-28
Varsta : 24

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 8:37 pm

Olga era la o cafenea, servind o cafea cu lapte.
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Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 8:49 pm

Eu serveam un pahar de Coca Cola.
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Olga von Veicht
Olga von Veicht

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 123
Puncte : 138
Reputatie : 1
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-28
Varsta : 24

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 8:52 pm

Avea ochii in telefon si sorbi din cafea fara zgomot.
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Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 9:33 pm

Continui sa imi beau linistita sucul.
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Olga von Veicht
Olga von Veicht

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 123
Puncte : 138
Reputatie : 1
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-28
Varsta : 24

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 9:34 pm

Olga isi trecu mana prin par, fara sa fie atenta in jurul ei
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Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 9:48 pm

Dupa ce beau jumate din pahar ma uit in jur.
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Olga von Veicht
Olga von Veicht

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 123
Puncte : 138
Reputatie : 1
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-28
Varsta : 24

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 9:50 pm

Olga isi termina cafeaua si pleca.
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Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 9:58 pm

Termin si eu sucul si plec in aceeasi directie.
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Olga von Veicht
Olga von Veicht

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 123
Puncte : 138
Reputatie : 1
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-28
Varsta : 24

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 10:04 pm

Olga era prea ocupata sa se uite pe pereti ca sa ii observe pe cei din jurul ei.
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Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 10:32 pm

Merg si eu pe langa fata avand acelasi drum.
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Olga von Veicht
Olga von Veicht

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 123
Puncte : 138
Reputatie : 1
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-28
Varsta : 24

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 10:37 pm

Olga isi scoase telefonul si verifica ceva pe el.
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Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyWed Mar 29, 2017 10:57 pm

Imi continuasem drumul.
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Olga von Veicht
Olga von Veicht

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 123
Puncte : 138
Reputatie : 1
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-28
Varsta : 24

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyThu Mar 30, 2017 9:57 am

Mai apoi si Olga facu la fel
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Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyThu Mar 30, 2017 11:42 am

Ma apropii de fata apoi si o salut. Speram sa nu fie prea timida si sa pot avea o discutie mica.
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Olga von Veicht
Olga von Veicht

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 123
Puncte : 138
Reputatie : 1
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-28
Varsta : 24

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyThu Mar 30, 2017 3:41 pm

Olga se opri si o privi scut.
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Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyThu Mar 30, 2017 6:18 pm

-Vroiam sa te intreb daca nu cumva suntem vecine. Mi s-a parut ca te stiu de undeva asa din vedere desi nu am avut ocazia sa vorbim pana acum.
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Olga von Veicht
Olga von Veicht

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 123
Puncte : 138
Reputatie : 1
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-28
Varsta : 24

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyThu Mar 30, 2017 6:46 pm

Olga se uita putin ciudat la femeie. Vecine? Ea nici macar nu avea casa, de unde ar fii putut sa fie vecine?
-Nu cred. Probabil ma confunzi, ii raspunse ea.
-Nu esti cumva.. aia din padure? isi aminti Olga foarte vag.
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Meribella Tory
Meribella Tory

Sex : Female
Mesaje : 43
Puncte : 53
Reputatie : 0
Data de inscriere : 2017-03-29

In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  EmptyThu Mar 30, 2017 7:22 pm

-Ba da. Dar am si o casa in oras unde traiesc normal. Ii spun eu. O vila cu gradina luxurianta si un laborator la subsol. Si scuze de confuzie.
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In Islanda  Empty
PostSubject: Re: In Islanda    In Islanda  Empty

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In Islanda
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